Ov3RMinD on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ov3rmind/art/Sphere-90670646Ov3RMinD

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Ov3RMinD's avatar




Aww... finally finished it. I thought I'd need more traditional Space Art. Took really a long time for me to get it right. But now I'm pretty satiesfied with the result. And no, your eyes don't trick you, this definitely HAS a planet (in fact it has two, if you want to count the moon).

All kind of feedback appreciated. Hope you like it.

- Reworked the color scheme. The old one made it look like a mess. Much of the depth got lost. Looks a lot more real now.
- Changed the spherical "bubble" around the galaxy-thing a little. This is actually a bit freelancer-inspired.
- Reworked the nebulae a bit.

Tell me what you think.
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5600x3000px 7.72 MB
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bloknayrb's avatar
No clue how this wasn't already in my faves, this is actually one of my all time favorite pieces.